Jul 4, 2010

It's Time To Write By Hand On Computer

Pilot Handwriting is a Free online tool that lets you to turn your own handwriting into a computer font and send e-mail to your friends in your own font, in just five minutes.
Pilot handwriting-Write by hand on computer

This program is pretty cool and lets you create your digital handwriting and make it look exactly how you want it to in just five simple steps.

5 Simple Steps to Get Started With Pilot Handwriting:

The homepage is fuzzy and someone in first first visit may find it hard to get the clue to get started with this online tool. So, I will try to get you some quick tips for getting started with Pilot Handwriting.

1. Register with Pilot Handwriting(You will find the registration page by clicking at top left Menu titled "Write by Hand")

2. Now its time for configuring your hand writing. To do this, you are required to print a template and fill it up with your handwriting. You can print the template using the 'Print Template' icon at the home page. Use A4 paper size for print output. Fill up the template with a pilot pen and make sure that you write the characters in centers of correspondent boxes and also in around the same size.

Pilot Handwriting Template to fill up

3. Once you are done with filling up the template, upload it to PilotHandwriting by using your webcam, digital camera or scanner. There are separate icons right away to make the upload, you need not be worry about this. But I will recommend that you use a scanner to upload the template in a jpg format.

4. After the software has processed with your uploaded template you can take a chance to retouch the characters if you wish.

Enhance your handwriting

5. Once your font is saved you are ready to writing pages and send e-mail by clicking ' Send by e-mail' button.

For details tutorial you may wish to take a look at the Official Pilot Handwriting Tutorial

Final words: The tool is exiting but still kind of slow and the user interface is totally based on Flash making it hard for sometimes with a slow connection. In addition, you can send only e-mail, nothing more as it can not let you to download the font you have crated with their tool.

Hope they will provide the feature in future.

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